5-year-old Rubik's genius

A 5-year-old French boy is the youngest contestant in the sixth Rubik's Cube Championship in France, competing against those nine times his age.

Ice Hotels Around the World - Sweden

Backwards Biker Treks Across Country

A southern California man is seeking America a little differently. Curan Wright is biking backwards from coast to coast to draw attention to several causes. (April 15)

Beware of Wild Turkeys

Ten to 15 wild turkeys have taken over one Madison, Wisconsin, Neighborhood. Postal workers say the turkeys have attacked them on occasion. They say they are now protecting themselves to fend off the foul. (April 17)

Caught on Dash Cam: 15-Car Pileup

Dramatic video of a 15-car pileup outside of Minneapolis was caught on police dash cam. Incredibly, no one was hurt in the accident early Saturday. (April 15)

What Google Could Tell Us About Yahoo

Google's earnings could be a barometer for Yahoo's earnings a week later, which investors will be watching for indication on how the Microsoft-Yahoo battle will shake out. Stacey Delo talks with Citi analyst Mark Mahaney. (April 14).

Presidential Address Focuses on Iraq

In his weekly radio address President Bush commented on the status of Iraq, saying since the surge began, American and Iraqi forces have made significant progress. (April 12)